Monday, June 30, 2008

Spare a Thought

I have seen this scenario many times. In shopping complexes. Kids pleading with thier parents to have KFC or McD mealsor pizza hut. The parents will say it is too expensive (these are expensive food to have for a familly of 5 for example) or lets go to this shop first and later come back (they never did) or the parents say something bad about eating fast food to discourage their kids.
Many a times I saw sadness and sometimes tears in those kids eyes. A look of dissapointment. But these kids knows no better. All they want to know is the taste of those fried chicken and burger or pizza in thier mouth. We cant blame them for thier innocense and ignorant of thier parents not having much money to splurge on.
I am writing about this now because in this current environment of the shrinking value of our money, the above scenario will play itself again and again in many shopping complexes all over!.
Do try not to be a player!


Anonymous said...

Well, I guess it can't be helped, since our money value seems to be shrinking fast. Perhaps,instead of telling the children "we'll go back later" or making promises that they don't intend to keep, they should educate their children on the value of money, and how hard it's earned. That way, instead of being disappointed with their parents inability to spoil and pamper them, they would gain understanding on their financial parents' situation.

the girl said...

i didnt get a taste of pizza hut until i started working 4 years ago.

education begins at home, that whatever one wants, one should it by oneself.