Tuesday, March 21, 2006

BLOGS and Dissenting Views

Like I said, I have been to many blogs, some are wonderful and some are not.
I have always wondered why is it that blog owners cant accept dissenting views. Mind you, most of the dissenting views are rasional and logical views and sometimes supported by facts etc etc..

The moment your views are different from thier views, you are labelled as trouble makers etc etc.. Recent case in point is mahaguru58.blogspot.com. He certaintly took great pains and efforts and plenty of rambling in trying to justify his action in banning me and another reader. But if one follows all the related comments, one cant see whats the fuss all about!

People will always have different views. Its a fact of life. If views expressed by readers do not conform to what is being written, so be it. They are just views. Period!

Monday, March 13, 2006


I have been to many blogs. Some are wonderful, some are not.
My problem with some blogs is that they insist on knowing who you are or you register before you can even post anything or your comments are considered worthy.

To me, whoever writes in, is immaterial. The only thing that matters is what is posted. If they write craps, the comments are CRAPS! Thats it!

You can be anybody, I dont care who you are, you can be a succesful person or you can be a begger. WHo you are dosent matter to me. What you write, DOES!


This blog was created only a few minutes ago.
Cakap Apa Saja is a blog where you can just do that.
But what you say in here is your responsibility