Friday, September 26, 2008

Selamat Hari Raya

To all Moslems, Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Fitri and have a wonderful and joyous Hari Raya.
To all Malaysian, lets celebrate Hari Raya together.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Greetings From Beijing

Dear All,

I am writing this from Beijing. I know I know! I was supposed to be away for just 2 weeks but it has been more than that.
Anyway, Beijing was different from the last time I was here around one and a half year ago. Maybe the Beijing olympics game has a lot to do with that as I couldnt find my favourite moslem restaurant anymore in the area that it was supposed to be. I looked for it for almost 1 hour. Not that I know many moslems restaurant and when I couldnt find that one, you can imagine my dissapointment!
Havent really managed to visit those olympic village yet but will go there tomorrow. Am going back on sunday.
The weather here is nice, not so hot but just plain cool enough. The nights are around 18-20 degrees, the day around 27.
Take care everyone and selamat berpuasa to all moslem readers.