Tuesday, March 13, 2007


One of the main news item since yesterday was those SPM high achievers.
Some of us have problem with those students with thier strings of As. Some thought that it was a ridiculous and stupid thing to strive for. Some said that parents should not put thier children in such a situation where getting those As was a must, regardless what! Some thought that these students must have gone thru hell. There are many other negative thoughts.

I have this view that only the low achievers will have those thoughts about these high achievers.

They dont see that to some of these people, its personal. It is about personal challenge. It is about achieveing a target. It is about doing the best and getting the best outcome. It is about having that satisfaction of been a success. Its about so many personal things!

I have great admiration and respect for these high achievers!

1 comment:

zewt said...

i think the truth will come when they hit the working world...