Friday, March 23, 2007


Its the same old story. Some bloggers think they have all the right to write about anything about the government, soceity, politics, religious, racial issues etcetc.. Ofcourse some of these are also hardcore fan of Freedom of Speech in the WWW. They make it a cause to HENTAM when they write.
The sad thing is, when thier views and writings are challenged , or people gave dissenting views, they get all upset. Its ok to hentam others but NEVER challenge them! If you do, out comes the DELETE key or the BLOCK KEY. Recent BLOG incase is
MY comments are no longer visible there! LOL
Oh well....


Nora aka Anon Fm Miri said...

Bro, my 1st visit to your blog.
Yeap....Some bloggers are like what you said. Tak boleh kena hentam beb.


warrior2 said...

Anom From Miri, thanks for the visit. Do drop in when you can.

Take care and cheers

Anonymous said...

u know i see that you only know how to hentam without reason. Ur taking this cakapapasaja too far bro. U only conc on the bad too hentam hentam. Islam issue you hentam, Siti aisyah issue you hentam, zam issue also hentam, evrywhere you go hentam and then call yourself warrior. If I got blog, youd be the first to kena hentam. Gorw up la. Why dont you write somthing worthwhile?

Lulu fan (Rusya Ida Syafik)

warrior2 said...




Maverick SM said...

Hi Warrior2,

When I read this piece, I was worried that it referred to me; I hope I'm not; and I'll try to remind myself.

You are a great traveler. Is it your job that requires you to travel to every country, or is it your passion? I love to know because I too love to travel but not doing so because of work commitment.

Anonymous said...

Good post.