Friday, March 02, 2007


I bet you have seen this scene of people queing (a long Q) at a particular bank`s ATM when just beside that ATM, there is another ATM of a different bank where there is nobody using it. I have observed many times that people just dont think of moving to the other ATM and get thier business done there. Because of the long Q, a person will take, on average, 30 minutes to get to his/her turn. (TIP: do not Q if there are more women than men infront of you)
NOW, of course when one uses a different bank`s ATM, one will be charged RM1. The only reason that I can think of why one dosent use another bank`s ATM other than one`s bank own ATM is because of the RM1 charge. I assumed that it is a conscious decision on the part of those people in the Q not to move over to the other ATM.
I have always wondered whether 30 minutes (sometimes they can be longer) of one`s life is worth RM1?


zewt said...

i never have such problem... u know why? hehehehe...

IBU said...

Wonder no more. One's RM1 can definitely worth more than another's - if only you know how much remaining the former has in his or her account.

That's why there is still gerai teh tarik and roti canai, despite mushrooming Starbucks & Coffee Bean. And that's why some still travel by passenger flights versus some others who just ZOOOOOMMMMM by private jet hassle, no queue, no wasting of time.


warrior2 said...

And the funny thing is that some of us like to withdraw tiny amount at a time. I know my friends do this a lot. I know strangers do this a lot becasue I saw they checked thier account`s balance first. RM 30 or RM 50

And they will do this again the next day. There goes another 30 minutes of thier life