Monday, March 17, 2008


I have always wondered why demonstrators burn cars, buses and buildings, destroy public amenities etcetc.. I see these acts all the times in Paris, Kenya, in Tibet currently, in many parts of the world including even in Malaysia . What is it with this people? Are they angry with those establishments that they are protesting to or with those private and public assests and amenities/facilities.
Chimps/gorillas` instinct/behaviour? Chimps/gorillas, they do trash those trees and anything near them when they are showing off or letting steam you know. I guess Mr Darwin based his theory on his observations of these acts by his fellow human all over the world back then too. Must have many demonstration back then too.
The problem with these demonstrators or protestors, they dont bring thier own cars to burn or trash and neither do they burn thier own houses or buildings. WHY DONT THEY?. They will never be able to understand and/or appreciate all the hardships that they bring to those owners of things that they have destroyed.
I challenge everyone of them in Malaysia to do just that. Each one of them should invite thier intended fellow demonstrators to trash and burn thier cars and houses/buildings. In the case of houses, make sure they are stand alone building ok.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'll answer that. They're dumb enuff to let their anger to get the better of them. Burn their own cars and houses, I highly doubt that though. These people are out to destroy things that are not theirs, otherwise, they are not called hooligans. LOL