Monday, March 13, 2006


I have been to many blogs. Some are wonderful, some are not.
My problem with some blogs is that they insist on knowing who you are or you register before you can even post anything or your comments are considered worthy.

To me, whoever writes in, is immaterial. The only thing that matters is what is posted. If they write craps, the comments are CRAPS! Thats it!

You can be anybody, I dont care who you are, you can be a succesful person or you can be a begger. WHo you are dosent matter to me. What you write, DOES!


Anonymous said...

What!! You started a blog?!!! Don't you know yaar?

Don't you know that keeping a blog and writing on them are the exclusive right of Internet slueths like Mahaguru the Mana-Konthan and Shahriman the Legal Pundit

Every time you write something that rub them the wrong way, they'll shed crocodile tears on how hard it is to maintain and nuture their esteemed blog!!! What a bunch of jokers.

I see you are banned from Mahaguru's blog eh...Hahaha!!! Now I suppose you need to take a day off and cry till dawn!!! How pitiful. Can't comment on the world's most esteemed blog!!! Hahaha

Anyway, nice blog you have here. Keep it up. Expecting more from you

warrior2 said...

Hey shalu, I tried to enter your blog (I hope I was not mistaken)but couldnt somehow.

Yeah, I am crying now and will stop at dawn! hehe

Well, this blog of mine has nothing yet. Tried to avoid creating one all these time as I dont have much time to ensure it is regularly maintained and posted with articles. But then I shall give it a try. It is meant to be another medium for banned people like us ( I am sure there are many) to say what they want and since they are banned from certain sites, they can say it here!

You are free to say what you want, I wont ban you! HAHA

warrior2 said...

Shalu, I have just visited the shahriman site albeit briefly. Who is he? And who is MENJ?

Is he ANOTHER mahaguru58?

Anonymous said...

i stopped blogging with blogger sometimes back. it's my way of boycotting google when they become public listed. A while back they sworn to remain privately held company no matter what. well...

'm blogging in wordpress now

Mahaguru is another MENJ. infact Mahaguru probably came out when MENJ put himself on a copier's platten glass and pushed the "strat" button. But perhaps due to insufficient toner, the copy (Mahaguru) came out with certain handicap like original idea, ability to stand critism and some other very crucial properties (like brain for instance...:))) while Shahriman is the other side of the coin. He's not religous...he just happen to be a fanatic. He has this huge chip on his shoulder because he happen to be a lawyer and claim nobody else should talk law!!! But he write good fiction though...go read and enjoy!!

By the way, these are all my personal vies. 'm not presenting it as facts

Now, you enjoy yourself ok

keep on writing

Anonymous said...

so i can say anything i want? wow great... i wanna say what's in my mind right now. u r a jack### dude...
i really hate you. don't know why la... read some of yur postings previously done in other bloggers' site. u really know how to piss ppl la... u r 1 cool piglet la u
hope u won't censor pulak my posting ya...
freedom to say anything i like and want... this is cool :)

warrior2 said...

well HELLO hello,

I guess you are one of those bloggers that cant take critisms when you ware in your blog. HEHE

Apart from that, of course you want your readers to be polite, nice etc. to you or fan your ego when writing in your blog
AND now, you go to my blog (and maybe others too) and do just the opposite of what you want people to do in your blog. I think I can guess who you are!

Anyway, as promised, i dont censor things in here. You are responsible for what you write. What you write in here depicts who you are for me and others to see. :p

warrior2 said...

shalu, how are things?

This "hello" person, do you think who I think he is? hehe

Amir Hafizi said...
