Tuesday, June 24, 2008


YUP, I am back from you know where! Will write about that later.
Since ATM was invented, I have avoided queing up at banks and will only go to banks IF there are transactions which requires me to be physically there.
The problem I have is with those people who dont use thier head when using ATMs.
Often I find many will check the balance of thier account. Once they have noted the amount, they will then proceed to cancel the transaction. Instead of LEAVING, they will then resinsert their bank card and go through the motion of making a withdrawal. Oh do tell me why!!
You know the ATMs have this fast cash screen when you make the withdrawal prompt where it will list spesific amounts that one can choose to withdraw ranging from RM100 to even RM1500 (depending on banks). What happen is that, many, after pressing the withdrawal button will see the fast cash screen comes out. They will then proceed to press the other amount button. Thats fine!. They wanted a different amount that are listed!.
The next thing you know, they enter one of the amount listed!
No wonder Qs are long.
I have been to many countries. The Qs at ATMs in most of these countries are not that long! Why? Because they use thier head?


Anonymous said...

LOL. Some people really don't use their brain. But why were you peeking anyway? =.=". You were supposed to give them some privacy to withdraw their cash. Nevermind that. Welcome back to Malaysia. I trust you had a good journey?

warrior2 said...

I like to see how much one has in thier account when they check their balance. In the middle of the month, normally it is a few hundreds. Most just a few ringgits left and you can see their sadness as they probably had expected some cash being credited or they were hopping they have more. The most I have seen recently (early this month) was RM34 thousands. That was a surprise because the man was a young man and he looked like he is a student still. Either he is a rich man`s son or he is a gigolo. Quite handsome, well built. HAHA

Not intended to belittle or condemn women (hey my blog describe how I love women and that women are the most beautiful creature on earth), but do not Q in a line where there are more women than men. Thats an advice

Anonymous said...

LMAO... omg, I can't believe you really peek when ppl are withdrawing. I feel creepy when people look over my shoulder when I'm withdrawing, and usually if people come too near, I would ask them to step back abit politely. =.=! It scares me, i was robbed once at an ATM machine when I was still in college. Anyway, people who check their numerous account (and topping up their touch and go) at one go is annoying too! And yea, as much as I don't like it, i have to agree with you on avoiding to line up where more women than men. Some are really pain in the arse...though I wun categorize myself as one cuz I only withdraw once a month, as it's easier to budget on.

Malaysian Joe said...

Hey.. I love to peek too... there was this malay chap... looked like a Datuk... his account has 2.4mil.

Some ppl are dungus... we have to forgive them. I come across many like that.. some of them unfortunately are my staff..

warrior2 said...

2.4 Mil? The only way i can get that amount is by winning the lottery.