I am quite a traveller. Have been to many countries and places, many of them repeat visits. I am grateful for that oppurtunities.
There is one thing that I enjoy doing when I am in foreign land, I like to wacht people. I will just sit in a cafe, in a park, on a bench somewhere, just anywhere and wacht! I can do that for hours at a time.
I have learnt so much doing that. Smilling and quarrelling young couples, old couples holding hands, famillies and their many antics when together, kids and babies, people reading books, groups of friends just hanging around and many many more sights. These are sights that enriched me. They told me `things` about them, thier life , about thier culture and about thier country.
I will forever cherish these memories of them! To those whom I have wachted, THANK YOU for being my teachers. Thank you for teaching me.